Good and Bad Food
candy cane



I was interested that nuts, fish, and berries are very important for a person to stay healthy. When you eat nuts, fish, and berries, you get protein and widen your food range. Nuts and fish have fatty acids which you need to survive. These acids are essential for a good body. Also in the fish group, there is meat. Everything in the meat section of the food pyramid, including fish and nuts have very high protein. The protein in fish helps to grow you body. Meat also gives you iron, vitamin B, and vitamin E. Iron helps your body carry oxygen around the body. Vitamin B has multiple assignments in the body. So, I was very interested to learn how important fish and nuts were!

This is my little animations of good food!!!!!

As you can see, good foods "rains down on you"!!!!

I thought that Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were the best candy out there. I always chose them over apple and fruits. But, once I looked at their nutritional value, I learned they are full of fats and sugars. They have a bunch of artificial flavors and have A LOT OF FAT. For one serving of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, you are filling up a HUGE percentage of your daily sugar. Also, they are full of sodium. One serving has a great percentage of your daily sodium. Now I have learned that Reese’s are very bad for your body and you should eat apples.

Here is another fun animation. I hope you like how the candy disapears!!!!

Here are a few more nutrition pages that I hope you will like I did not make these pages!
1.This is Ethan's page.
2.This is Jane'spage.
3.This isAlex'spage
4. This is Shavaiz's page.
5.This is Allen's page.
6. This is Garrett's page.
7.This is Imad's Page.
8.This is Yasha's Page.
9.This is Matthew's page.
10.This is Nicolaas's page.
11.This is Katie's page.
12.This is Charles' page.
13.This is Alex Vlad's page
14.This is matt's page.
15.This is
Justin's page.